From the Archivist's Files....
Explore the World of the Realm - for ages 10 yrs and up
Thirteen-year-old Malakai Ian LeCrue wants to one day perform with his bike at Xtreme sports events around the world. He dreams of cheering fans, trophies lining his room and being someone special.
What he doesn't want are the talking rabbits, snakes threatening to kill him, and the little winged beings that visit his room in the night. But ever since his dad disappeared and his family moved in with Crazy Pops, his life has taken an alarming turn into Weirdsville. Now Available at these Places:
Reviews from The Sentinel Archives
Through The Portal is on Audio!!The Sentinel Archives- Through the Portal is now available on audio through ACX. Get your copy from Amazon, iTunes, and Audible!
Start off... if you dare... by entering Through the Portal and into the Realm: A land of enchantment and adventure.
At thirteen, one passes from childhood into teen-hood. For Malakai Ian LeCrue, turning thirteen also means coming into an inheritance he wants no part of. But someone has to take up the mantel of Sentinel, passed down from generation to generation through Kai’s family. He hopes this tell-tale mark will simply pass him on by. He has none of the qualifications needed to become part of the secret Sentinel Society. Not like his little ten-year-old sister, Wyndee, who is a regular scholar of Weirdology. Enter The World of The SentinelsDear Archivist,
As the old moon, my time here wanes. I yearn for the day when I can step down and allow the next in line to stand guard. I’ve done all I can to stretch my years here. If it was known the means I’ve gone to in order to extend my time… well, perhaps such information is better not openly admitted. Today, I write you with great trepidation. The next Sentinel in line has vanished with no trace of his whereabouts. I’ve searched and consulted with not only the Fay kings and queens, but even the Consortium members, all to no avail. Come and explore Crazy Pop's 'chamber of horrors' office, learn about the natural world, play games and more.
Read the first few chapters for free!
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