![]() Make a wish. Speak out your innermost dreams and cast them upon Him. "Cast your cares on him for he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 Dare to dream. Dreams are important to our life vision. Without vision, people perish... We need our dreams to keep us going. Psalm 44:21 would not God have discovered it, since he knows the secrets of the heart? Don't be afraid. In my life, I've found that if I'll honestly speak my heart to the Lord, He'll hear my request and honor my dreams. Prov. 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight. Don't be afraid to dream. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16 There's one more thing... When you dream, when you send those dreams out in prayer... be sure to fling out your arms and open your hands wide. Be ready for the Lord to show you His will for your life. For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11
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Don't miss out on the simple things in life. Those small, fleeting gifts the Lord gives us The moments, that if you blink, you'll lose them forever They're there if you'll only look Open your eyes. Stop for a moment. Listen. See. Enjoy... Get lost in the dust motes dancing in the beam of sunlight.
Collecting hearts helped Sara to keep from losing hope. Sara stared at the heart-shaped stone. She scooped it up and placed it in her pocket to put in her treasured collection. This kind of hearts couldn’t be broken. Not like hers had been shattered after losing her husband. Fear rules her heart now. Fear of loss. Of more brokenness. Yes, the little stone hearts are safe. Daniel stared at the old note he’d found cleaning his desk. Long ago, his childhood sweetheart had made a list of what she expected in a husband. He crumpled the paper. Years ago, he’d set out to meet those requirements only to lose Sara to another man. One who met none of her expectations! Now she’s back in town, broken and in need of help, along with her pre-teen son. Daniel turned his thoughts away from her. She’d broken his heart once before. He wouldn’t let it happen again. Is love strong enough to mend broken hearts? A story of second chances rising from the ashes of fear and loss. Do You Enjoy Free or .99¢ Book?
Or, better yet, how this new story series captured me...For those of you who've journeyed through the White Road Chronicle series, like me, you may have been wondering... so what's next?
For several months, I wasn't sure, so I kept writing romance stories for my small Michigan lakeside town of Madison Creek. They are fun to write. People liked them. I like writing them. But I longed for the fantastical worlds I enjoyed while writing White Road. So, about a month ago, I was relaxing one Saturday afternoon, watching TV... I'm not even sure what was on, but am sure it was some LOTR's binge showing. I still enjoy watching them again and again when I need my fantasy fix. =D Anyway, my mind started drifting off to that place a writer's mind often drifts off too.... Wondering Land, is what I call it. I wonder if... I wonder what... I wonder who... I wonder when... I wonder where I put my glasses, why can't I keep up with those stupid things? Yeah, wonderings like that. That Saturday, I wondered why... Why had I not been able to come up with a solid idea for a new fantasy series? I'd had readers asking...when would I write more? What was next? What if you...??? Nothing was jelling for me. I spoke to a writer friend about this while we were at lunch. I love writing whimsical, enchanting stories. The romances are fun, but I love fantasy stories. Always have. She said, "Come on, Jackie, if you really wanted to, you could make something up. You could make it happen." "Yeah," I answered, "I could. But I don't want to force a story. It never ends well when I force something." I chose to wait and write what stories I felt the Lord had given me to write. You see, I believe all ideas ultimately come from him. You ask what a writer's muse is? He is my muse. Whatever gifts I have at storytelling comes from Him. I believe that and claim that with all my heart. So, I suppose, what I was waiting on, was for Him to inspire the next fantasy story for me to write. He didn't let me down. |
Author InfoJackie Castle is an author, artist and dreamer. She lives in Texas with her husband, two grown children and her dog, Banjo. She looks for the extraordinary in the ordinary in everything she experiences. Keep Up With Story World News!Signup for news and special offers! Thank you!You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Archives
August 2023