This week I'll be celebrating my 54th Birthday.
And today, Sunday Aug. 9th is National Book Lovers Day. Combine the two and we have Castle's Story World Book Lovers Birthday Bash! (the crowd cheers, applause all around...) Well, that's how it plays out in my head. Ha! Keep reading for this week's special deals and fun stuff going on over at Castle's Story World on Facebook. There will be several times this week, where I'll ask a birthday released question. Those who leave a comment will be in the running to win a free book from my newest releases. I hope to see you there...
I'm so excited about this latest Audio project.
I've been wanting to put the White Road stories on audio for some time now. I started with Tarek's complete story - The White Road Tales Complete Novella Collection. How many of you would like to have the White Road Chronicles in audio? Comment below. Keep reading to find out more about the audio version, listen to a sample reading from the series, and enter to win a free audio code for this book! I feel like running a contest. The prizes will be ebook copies of Blood & Water and Silver & Light.
How many depends on the response I get. What do you need to do? Help me name a baby. Keep reading for more details. A Word of Caution... If you've not read Blood & Water and Silver & Light then you are about to venture into SPOILER ALERT territory. You've been warned. January 16th is Appreciate Your Dragon Day.
How did this day come about, you might ask? Well, it turns out that one of my favorite authors is behind this fun day! Back in 2004, Donita K Paul who wrote the Dragonspell series decided there needed to be a National Day set aside for these marvelous beasts. Crystal, from the White Road Chronicles series, and I both agree. So, in celebration of all things about dragons, I'd like to present some fun things in today's blog that's all about dragons. You can start off by clicking the picture of Alyra and Crystal below for a fun puzzle. Let me know in the comments how you did. Read on, and at the end, I have a special offer for you... UPDATE: Winner has been determined and I'll contact that person soon. Introducing 6 Sweet Inspirational Romances from 6 Sweet Romance Reads authors to warm your heart this holiday season.
Small-Town Christmas Wishes Welcome to Snowflake, Colorado—a small town where wishes come true! When six old high school friends receive a letter that their fellow friend, Charity Hart, wrote before she passed away, their lives take an unexpected turn. She leaves them each a check for one thousand five hundred dollars and asks them to grant a wish—a secret wish—for someone else by Christmas. And she wants it to be special. It sounds like fun. It reminds them of when they were secret angels in high school together. But the friends soon discover that it isn’t as easy as it seems. With the clock ticking, will they make it happen in time? Join Mia, Caro, Nate, Sara, Holly, and Taye on their journey to make a wish come true—and find love along the way. All books are on pre-order and I'm doing a special giveaway. Click to read more!
Welcome to the Spring Into Christian Books Blog Hop!
Thank you for stopping by.
Spring is almost here! Fresh blooms, the leaves bursting from dormant trees, and (hopefully) warmer weather. I know some of you are still dealing with snow storms. Here in Texas, the storms have consisted of a ton of rain and fierce winds. Then, the next morning, the sun peeks out, everything sparkles, the fresh loamy scents fill my senses, and hope for better days ahead blooms! Today I'm sharing a fun little story with you that I wrote one spring several years ago. It's just a silly little piece about Spring's arrival, but I hope you enjoy it. After the story, there will be an offer to leave a comment for a chance to win one of my novella collections. Details at the end of post. And finally, you'll find the links to all the other Blog Hop participants at the very end. Thanks again for stopping in! Grab yourself a cup of tea or coffee (or whatever your favorite beverage is) and let's visit for a spell while I tell you all about Spring's Folly... Tis the season to be Thankful.
I love Thanksgiving. I love stopping to think over the past year and taking a moment to acknowledge my blessings. I must admit, it's been a crazy and bittersweet year with a new grandbaby arriving in the world, my youngest heading off to college, then the recent loss of my mother. But there's been so many blessings in it all. A supportive husband. A wonderful church family. And so much more. So, in this season of Giving Thanks, I want to express my gratitude for all of you, as well. Because of YOU I can do what I love most. And make a living at it. YaY! Here's what I'm giving away this month... Happy Spring, my friends!
Today, I have a fun surprise that I’d like to share with you. How would you like a chance to win a Kindle Fire, and an astounding haul of Fantasy books? This is big folks and I'd hate for you to miss out. The contest expires on March 28th, so click to read more about how to enter. |
Author InfoJackie Castle is an author, artist and dreamer. She lives in Texas with her husband, two grown children and her dog, Banjo. She looks for the extraordinary in the ordinary in everything she experiences. Keep Up With Story World News!Signup for news and special offers! Thank you!You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Archives
August 2023