Long ago, I was hurt in the kind of way that sticks with you through waking moments, and sleeping moments, and clouds how you see the world. Hurts happen in this life, I've learned. Simple hurts like paper cuts, and deep woulds that leave scars and marks. The Bible says, "In this life, you will have trouble, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world." John 16:33 What happens when we are hurt is that something takes over, something that we feel justified to hang onto, something we might have a very hard time letting go of. Something that can turn our hearts to ash if we do not find a way to ditch it. There's many reasons we're are warned to forgive the hurts this world heaps on us. Unforgiveness blinds us to the joy this life has to offer. Bitterness develops when we hold on to unforgiveness, coloring how we view our world. Unforgiveness causes us to focus on the bad things in this life. Negativity takes hold, blurring the truth of His word. Anger clouds our hearts, causing us to lash out at the world. But thanks be to God, who always leads us triumphantly as captives in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. 2 Corinthians 2:14 God withholds no good thing from those who walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11 Forgiveness is for us, not for the person who harmed us. Forgiveness frees us up to experience joy and freedom in our life. Forgiveness says that we trust God above all and believe that He has our lives (the good and the bad) in his hands and walks with us through every last thing we encounter. Forgiveness helps us boldly walk without fear, or weighted down with bitterness and anger. Forgiveness also says that right now there might be troubles, but they are temporary. Our futures are bright and we have eternity in heaven with God.
Author InfoJackie Castle is an author, artist and dreamer. She lives in Texas with her husband, two grown children and her dog, Banjo. She looks for the extraordinary in the ordinary in everything she experiences. Keep Up With Story World News!Signup for news and special offers! Thank you!You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Archives
August 2023