In the land of Alburnium live a race of enchanted beings, called the Logorians, who inhabit the White City. In celebration of the Prince’s birthday season, they’ve decided to gather together the first three books of the White Road Chronicles collection and bind them into one. The bound volume, reveling in the beginning tales of the Illuminate children- Tarek and Alyra – along with their brave group of friends, will go out across the kingdom for all to enjoy. However, the special collection will only be available during this magical celebration time. As the last glow of this season fades, so will the chance to attain this special offering come to an end. Seize yours now…while time remains. Looking for a Christmas gift for your favorite reader? You will be able to load someone's e-reader with the first three book from the White Road Chronicles for nearly half the price of purchasing them separately.
Haven't read the White Road Chronicles yet? Here's your chance to try out the series. In this special edition, there will be a special note from me about the writing of Illuminated, Luminosity and Emanate. This offer will only be available until the end of 2017 and will only be offered in ebook format, at your favorite retailer. Keep watch for when it releases on November 20th. Just in time for your Thanksgiving Holiday.
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Author InfoJackie Castle is an author, artist and dreamer. She lives in Texas with her husband, two grown children and her dog, Banjo. She looks for the extraordinary in the ordinary in everything she experiences. Keep Up With Story World News!Signup for news and special offers! Thank you!You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Archives
August 2023